
Showing posts from September, 2018

just trying to work through and let go

I am damaged. For real. But I keep it nice and hidden and just try to forget some shit even happened, because it seems so small and insiginificant. You know what, maybe fucking not. I had a real shit pile of a boyfriend for about a year and a half - which was really a year and a half too long, and I knew it. But he was so cute, and so this and so that and I dealt with it. From the get go he told me I was not attractive. Me being young and naive, I believed if he just got to know me, his opinions would surely change. He would see that the slim, model types weren't all that was sexy in the world and I could show him otherwise. Little did I know that I would no longer, really ever, feel confident trying to be sexy. He shot me down sexaully so much. SO MUCH. I wanted him so much and I would do whatever because I was a thirsty girl, with a boyfriend who didn't really like fucking her. One day, this person, who gives me no affection and tender loving care, is caught